Orange pi 5 Plus pin guide

Pin numbers for the Gpiod plugin:

Notice the GPIO numbers are not as one might often expect. 

The notation of the GPIO pins is Bank number, Group number and Pin number. And this notation if often on chips from Rockchip. 

For example then for GPIO3_B5 then 3 is the chip number, B is the group number and 5 is the Pin number.

To calculate into pin address that we can use then the formula is:

Pin formula

G = Group {(A=0), (B=1), (C=2), (D=3)}
X = Number

pin = (G * 8) + X 

So if we take GPIO3_B5 and fill that into the formula then we get:

pin = (1 * 8) + 5 = 13

Pin number 13 is the number we use in the Gpiod plugin then to address this pin. 

Since the chip number was 3, then the Gpiod Plugin we would connect to /dev/gpiochip3 instead of /dev/gpiochip0.


Two 5V pins and two 3.3V pins are present on the board, as well as a number of ground pins (GND), which can not be reconfigured. 

Other useful information

If running on Armbian (and same for many other systems) then for GPIO access you need to run with elevated permissions. (such as sudo)