Guides for GPIO in Xojo

Our guides are oriented to help users use GPIO in Xojo. 

Note that many of our guides are still in our old guides which was oriented for using with the legacy wiringpi library.

The new guides use Gpiod Plugin (which uses libgpiod), I2C Plugin (which uses libi2c) and SPI Plugin.


Connecting with button

Basic GPIO, simple wiring, asynchronous monitoring.

Uses Gpiod Plugin, async GPIO event monitoring.

This guide tests various of boards also.

GPIO pin behind transistor to get more current

And also dealing with undetermined state of the GPIO pin at boot time.

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

GPIO pin behind optocoupler

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

Infrared Motion Detection

Basic GPIO, simple wiring, asynchronous monitoring.

Uses Gpiod Plugin, async GPIO event monitoring.

4 pin RGB LED

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

Relay board

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

HD44780 based LCD

Guide about how to connect to and control
HD44780 displays. 16×2 or 20 x 4 displays. The guide also covers how to send custom Glyphs to the display.
Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

HD44780 based LCD (part 2 non standard sizes)

Follow-up guide on HD44780 displays, covering non standard sizes.

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

BMP180 digital pressure sensor

Uses I2C Plugin, very simple wiring.

BMP280 digital pressure sensor

Uses I2C Plugin, very simple wiring.

HTU21DF temperature and humidity sensor

Uses I2C Plugin, very simple wiring.

LM75A temperature sensor

Uses I2C Plugin, very simple wiring.

LM393 Flame sensor

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

SW420 Vibration sensor

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

SW520D Tilt sensor

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

Reed switch

Uses Gpiod Plugin, basic GPIO.

Legacy guides

Our legacy guides use the old Wiring Pi library.

If you want to help with making this archive of knowledge for Xojo Raspberry Pi developers then you can submit articles to us, your name would be put on it as author. We would try to reformat if needed it to fit the other articles and add links to how to use breadboard if your article uses such and so on.