* Rewrote everything from scratch, making it much easier to use
and support the EngineManager.
* Added support for the REALbasic Windows IDE.
* Added support for Hash algorithms.
* The EngineManager now ships with 15 EngineManager algorithm plugins:
+ Blowfish ECB
+ Blowfish CBC
+ Twofish ECB
+ Twofish CBC
+ AES (Rijndael) ECB
+ AES (Rijndael) CBC
+ e-CryptIt
+ MD5
+ SHA1
+ SHA 256
+ SHA 384
+ SHA 512
* All algorithms are now 100% compatible and support the Encryption interfaces
from e-CryptIt Engine, that is the IEncryptionAlgorithm and IHashAlgorithm.
* Added support for having multiple instances of the same algorithm created at the
same time.

* Fixed Win32 concurrency issue with other Einhugur plugins.
* Made some speed optimizations.

* Engine Manager can now run under MacOS X Final.

* Fixed a bug in the Engine SDK

* Fixed a memory leak bug in Rijndael ECB Algorithm
which caused crashes under OS X and Win32.

* Fixed a bug in Rijndael ECB Algorithm
where the engine forgot to publish the PacketSize property.

* Fixed a bug in the sample project which caused the
e-CryptIt Algorithm to do nothing at all.

* Updated the Engine SDK

* Added PacketSize property
(There is a new SDK for 2.2, but 2.0 can run 2.2 engines and
2.2 can run 2.2 engines)

* Rijndael ECB Algorithm is now supplied with the plugin.

* Updated the sample project to respect Max and Min

* Updated the Engine SDK,
the 2.2 SDK enables plugins to use 2.2 features but still maintaining
2.0 compatibility.

* 68k Encryption Engines now work properly.
(Also added 68k support to all encryption engines that
did not have it before)
* Added support for Carbon compatible Engines
(All Engines that come with the plugin have been
made Carbon compatible).
* Added support for Win32 compatible Engines
(All Engines that come with the plugin have been
made Win32 compatible).
* Added a new Encryption Engine,
which Implements Endian safe BlowFish.
* Added support for symmetric algorithms which
require initialisation vectors.
(BlowFish plugin in CBC mode is in developement)
* Added IV property
* Added IVSize property
* Added MinKeySize property
* Added MaxKeySize property

* Added RB PluginPlunger compatible help.